Child Car Seat

Car Seat Inspections

The Hillsdale Police Department Traffic Bureau offers a Car Seat Inspection Program for Hillsdale Residents. The Car Seat Inspection Program allows residents to have their child's car seat installed, or existing car seats inspected, by one of the Department's CERTIFIED Child Car Seat Installation Officers. Sgt. Matthew Buesser and P.O. Amanda Turrin are graduates of the State's Child Car Seat Installation Course. As a result, these officers, and ONLY these officers, are trained on child car seats and how they are to be properly used in a motor vehicle.

Hillsdale Residents Only
Please provide the number of car seats to be installed. While we will be happy to install as many car seats for you, a number ahead of time can assist us with scheduling your appointment.
Please provide simple information concerning your car. This can allow the inspecting officer to be more properly prepared.


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